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I started working on this puzzle since Christmas Eve 🙂 and thought in my funny little head that I would finish it that day.
Ever since my mom got me this cool puzzle table thing for Xmas (coincidence, not same Xmas I started working on the puzzle but Xmas before) I felt like I would be a fast and consistent puzzler. But even with that I’ve struggled with this one Lol.

Though I also think I’m just burnt out on life and adulting now, so naps and vegging out have been by best friends, hehe.
I kept working on it here and there and then finally after some weeks put it in a back room and just have been watching it when I walk by and trying not to make eye contact with it.
I even asked my friend one day to get food with and me and help me finish it, I think we worked on it for like 7 minutes before we decided to abort mission and instead catch up on Selling the OC, lol.
Today, I finally decided I need to finish this thing soon.
Only so I could put it away. I can’t just put it away LOL without finishing it because it will make me super nuts.
Today, I decided to alternate listening to music and podcasts I have saved (check out Hacking your ADHD – I’m not sure if I have ADHD, but in the last few weeks I self diagnosed myself with it so have been consuming related content in hopes to help me to get my shit together, hehe).
So here’s to working on it today and this week and hopefully finishing it this month sometime LOL.

Please send me good vibes LOL and wish me luck!
Also, if you like that puzzle table with the little drawers, she got it on Amazon!!