If you like covering your coffee mug because you’re paranoid like me, then you need this👁👄👁 hehe

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Sometimes when I’m working remotely, I use my lunch breaks or reg breaks (I shower fast) to shower or sometimes I have to go pee during work and have to leave my mug unattended for a couple of minutes, TMI.

Since most times I have my coffee there while I do this, I hate leaving it exposed and open. I’m just paranoid about everything and what if a spider comes out of nowhere and needs energy or is addicted to caffeine …?🤷🏻‍♀️

I usually have been covering it with a tissue or candle wood cover, (think that’s gross? yeah, me too)…

But then I thought “hey, it’s 2024, they have to have something better for this”.

Of course I went to Amazon and I was iffy about buying these mug covers, because I didn’t know if it was necessary, but they are so cute!!! OMG. I’m so glad I did. I love them so so much!

And thought, if I love these, others might too💙

Peep these out🥺


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