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I’ve been trying to get more into manifesting and just being open to receiving. I have been watching videos and listening to podcasts and reading books on the topic.
Ps. If anyone is interested in the other stuff I have been listening/watching/reading I could make another post on that with links…
Anyway, I’ve been reading this book (actually it’s 3 books in 1) about manifesting and in the money book, one of the methods it mentions is to have a money jar.
Well in the book I believe it suggests actually having multiple jars (3-5) around areas you frequent in your space and to fill it with symbols of wealth (eg. money, checks, etc).
It also says to label them with phrases relevant to money/wealth (eg. I am abundant, money comes to me, I’m a money magnet, etc).
I have been wanting to try this method because I think it’s a cute idea and even if I put a couple bucks in it, it’s a reminder of how blessed I am already. I had been lazy about making the jar though, story of my life.
But then today, I ended up going to Joann’s and Hobby Lobby. I saw a cute little container which I was going to get first at Joann’s but it was like a project and had splinters and the thought of sanding almost killed me. I ended up leaving it…
But then at Hobby Lobby, I saw this cute little glass heart with a cork-like lid for less than $4 and decided to go with that. On my way to pay I saw they had little fake diamond looking crystal pieces so I also got a cute pink diamond to add to the jar.
Apparently the jar online is cheaper at $1.74 compared to the $3.49 I paid in store 🙂 FYI. Although once you add shipping who knows the new price…
Ps. I did go on Amazon after I saw the first container at Joann’s to see if I could just get one through there with no splinters and saw a similar one to the one at Joann’s and it was like a gold color. After searching they also have the gold one at Joann’s but online…I didn’t see it in store. It also looks a little more expensive through Joann’s.
I might get that Amazon one later on once I declutter my room since it looks a little bigger than the heart one I got.
But anyways, I thought I’d share in case anyone else wants to try this method with me and wants a super cute jar.
You can see mine and I labeled it with “I accept and receive unexpected prosperity”. I added the pink diamond, my Mega Million tickets which I’ve been trying to buy consistently once a month for the whole month, and I also added some cash.

When I have time I will probably also print one of those fake blank checks and fill it out with an amount of money I would love to manifest and add it as well.