When I play songs on my ukulele for some reason I love playing the first verse with single strums and then once the chorus comes I tend to stick to the DDU-UDU for some reason most of the time. It’s just what I like.
Any who here are some songs that I’ve learned that are fun and easy to learn with the pertaining links of the chords. (If you play ukulele and don’t use the Tabs app I recommend getting it on your phone! It’s so cool and they just recently added an option where you can post your covers!)
I will continuously update this list as I learn more songs! Also some of the links have inaccurate lyrics and/or I sometimes modify the way it times the chord with the lyrics to where I want.
- SpongeBob Squarepants- Ripped Pants (Cartoon song/very fun!)
- The Lave Song (Cartoon song/ such a sweet cute song!)
- Falling by Iration (Reggae type song! This is one of my fav songs that I play over and over! Also, if you tag the band on Instagram if you post your cover, they will probably like it because they are so cool like that!)
- Ashes by Pepper (Such a good song!)
- The Dead South- In Hell I’ll Be In Good Company ***I would love to learn this song the way it’s actually played- like the Banjo part but on uke (I think it’s banjo) and the bass and do one of those mesh covers where you play all instruments your self but the original version is crazy! But that is my goal to one day learn it with the whistling too! ( I can’t really whistle right now, RIP). This is the easier version but also super fun to play! I found this song from Umbrella Academy on Netflix. If you haven’t watched UA you need to ASAP! Soooo good!!
- She Hates Me by Puddle of Mudd ***I changed this to be He Hates Me when I sang it but it was still fun. My only issue is I have so much trouble with bar chords and I also think the way I hold my ukulele is not the best way so I’m trying to work on that and my transitions. But here is my cover anyway.
There is something about the ukulele! It’s such a beautiful instrument and maybe I love it so much because it’s the only instrument I’ve been determined enough to learn!
I also think there is something magical about suddenly listening to a song you like and learning it! Sometimes it takes a good while to be able to play it through but the end feeling makes it worth it!